My classroom, those 2nd grade stinkers, have provided me with such an enriching and challenging experience that I honestly feel, pinky swear, that I could write a book. Or two. I may or may not have started already. Last school year was rock bottom. I often found myself on my knees, full-well knowing that there was absolutely NO way I was going to make it through on my own strength. I was planning my out - An Americorps position in NYC (fulfilling my dream, to say the least). Little did I foresee MY dream coming to a halt as another, unexpected dream came forward. My Oliver. I pinned something on Pinterest recently that went something like this: I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I ended up where I needed to be. Oliver tip-toed his way into my life at exactly the moment I needed him most. With his support, encouragement, shoulder, and faithful ear, I survived. The Lord and His timing.
Then there's this year.
While I love my home at Detroit Enterprise Academy, I've been feeling a tug toward something different. I want the chance to take what I've learned from Detroit and apply it somewhere fresh. In an interesting turn of events, apparently Oliver's Visa is also soon-to-be in need of a fresh face. If he stays in Michigan, he will be under Austrian contract (as he has been), which states that, given at most a 4-weeks notice, they can bring him home if needed. With our future in mind, he asked for US contract options. The only department in his line of work which would be able to bring him on under an American contract and offer him a Green Card:
Charleston, South Carolina.
It is this, Michigan with unstable contract terms, or Germany.
With heavy hearts and our dreams in mind, we weighed the options. I would love the opportunity to live in Europe, close to his family. Their language, culture, traditions - all pieces of him I am eager to continue learning. He, however, desperately wants a home-base. Europe would still only provide short-term options. So, with all of this weighing heavily, the day of his "Decision Meeting" came. At this point, we were ready for anything. We really didn't know what they would suggest - best to be flexible and relinquish control, right? Right. We would go wherever led.
They suggested he pursue Charleston full force. Considering his role in my life, this means that we pursue it, together. NO, we are NOT YET engaged. Formal proposals and engagements are foreign to him - he wants to do things "his own way". I trust him :) We do, however, know that we're stuck together!
As of now, I've applied for South Carolina teaching certification, and I've sent in a stack of resumes. His company will provide him with an apartment, so we just have to arrange something for myself. We'll be anxious to get a wedding in the works once there, I'm sure :)
All that to say this: Come end of July, I will be headed to Charleston. I will continue to keep you updated as we thoughtfully and prayerfully navigate these new roads.
Wow, Besty! How exciting!! Charleston is a great city...I love the south. :) Can't wait to hear more of your adventures!