

Idrealism: The state of being both an idealist and a realist to which I aspire to be.

I wrote an entire post last night on idrealism; however, as per usual, my blogging aspirations were blown when it all, in a matter of a second, deleted. I really am OK with it since I am fully aware that the post was written at one o'clock in the morning and, simply put, did not contain some of my best thoughts-put-to-writing.

I could probably write a book on everything I've been learning over the course of the last few years (you may or may not know of the reasons), but doing so would be virtually pointless considering the fact that, as of this very second, each thought is so jumbled with the next that I'M POSITIVE that the task would be absolutely tedious - probably to the point of utter exhaustion. Even writing a blog detailing my thoughts on idrealism is painful.

I'm relatively certain that there comes a point where you have to step back and take the Socratic approach to live by re-examining - re-examining your dreams, your passions, your ideals, your values, your convictions, your plans, even your hopes. I've learned that when you fail to do so, getting caught up in those things becomes second nature. It's natural to think and over think to the point of thinking yourself away from the original target, the original roots of that initial thought. Idrealism finds that middle - between crooked and straight, windy and calm, passion and reason, love and logic.

Oh dear Lord, how I could continue on this train! My coffee has yet to officially kick in, so I'm stopping here.

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